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The corporate governance system adopted, understood as the set of principles, rules and procedures inspired by the best standards of transparency and fairness in the management of the company, and oriented toward the creation of shareholder value.

Corporate and supervisory organs

Paolo Pescetto


Andrea Rossotti


Francesca Bazoli


Ernesto Paolillo


Luigi Pacella Grimaldi


Lorenza Castelli


Raffaella Viscardi

Independent Councilor


Statutory auditors

Filippo Caravati


Tiziana Vallone

Statutory Auditor

Carlo Brega

Statutory Auditor

Stefano Broglia

Alternate Auditor

Guido Ricevuti

Alternate Auditor


Statutory auditing company

BDO Italia S.p.a.

Corporate documents

Criteri per Requisiti di Indipendenza
Corporate Bylaw
Code of Ethics
Responsible finance policy
Procedure for disclosure of inside information
Related parties procedure
Procedure reporting requirements ega
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Independent director procedure


22 December 2023
Report of the Board of Directors on the purchase and subsequent disposition of treasury shares
31 May 2023
Minutes of Special Meeting of Share B
31 May 2023
Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members
31 May 2023
Minutes of Ordinary Meeting of Members
23 May 2023
Extraordinary General Meeting Proxy Form May 31 – June 01, 2023
23 May 2023
Errata Corrigge Notice Convocation Extraordinary Ass. May 31 – June 01, 2023
18 May 2023
Report on renewal of the Board of Statutory Auditors
18 May 2023
Notice of Convocation of Ordinary General Meeting May 31 – June 01, 2023
16 May 2023
Auditor’s opinion on liquidation value
16 May 2023
Opinion of the College regarding the liquidation value
16 May 2023
Report of the Board of Directors pursuant to 2437 c.c. liquidation value
16 May 2023
Opinion of the Board of Statutory Auditors on fairness of issue price
16 May 2023
2441 c.c. report to BoD on Aucap IPO, warrants and SOPs
16 May 2023
Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders May 31 – June 01, 2023
11 May 2023
Minutes of the Meeting of April 28, 2023
30 March 2023
Report for the renewal of the board of directors
29 March 2023
Notice of Meeting of Shareholders April 28, 2023
29 March 2023
Notice of Meeting of Shareholders April 28, 2023
16 July 2024
Avviso di convocazione Assemblea dei soci ordinaria e straordinaria del 31 luglio 2024 – 01 agosto 2024
16 July 2024
Delega 135 – Novies
16 July 2024
Delega 135 – Undecies
16 July 2024
Relazione in merito al punto 1 dell’OdG
16 July 2024
Relazione in merito al punto 2 dell’OdG
16 July 2024
Relazione in merito alla modifica statutaria
16 July 2024
Proposta di revisione legale dei conti 2024-2026
16 July 2024
Parere del Collegio Sindacale in merito alla proposta di revisione legale dei conti
29 May 2024
Allegati Assemblea
29 May 2024
12 April 2024
Avviso di Convocazione Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria 29 aprile – 30 aprile 2024
12 April 2024
Delega 135 – Undecies
12 April 2024
Delega 135 – Novies
12 April 2024
Relazione sulla modifica statutaria agli art. 16, 18 e 21.5
January 18, 2024
Ordinary meeting of shareholders
Notice of ordinary shareholders’ meeting
Notice of ordinary shareholders’ meeting – Abstract
Delegation Form
Board of Directors’ Explanatory Report
Minutes of membership meeting

Capital Increase 2024

Capital Increase 2024 – February 9, 2024

9 February 2024
Verbale notarile del consiglio di amministrazione
9 February 2024
Relazione degli amministratori
9 February 2024
Parere del Collegio sindacale
9 February 2024
Comunicato Stampa su Aumento di capitale

Internal dealing

Internal dealing procedure
10/04/2024 16:22
Internal dealing RFK
03/07/2024 13:15
Internal dealing Paolo Pescetto
10/07/2024 16:09
Internal dealing Andrea Rossotti

Extraordinary operations

Operations with Related Parties

14 May 2024
Documento Informativo Parti Correlate operazione Basket Bond
22 March 2024
Documento Informativo Parti Correlate operazione Aucap RFK
22 March 2024
Documento Informativo Parti Correlate operazione Fin Socio a Controllata
12 March 2024
Documento Informativo Parti Correlate operazione Polieco